Baseball Fever

I have to admit, I’ve been distracted lately and believe it or not it’s because of the baseball playoffs. Yes, I’m addicted to baseball!  This year is even more interesting than most….our house is divided and both teams are in the playoffs!  My oldest son is a Tigers fan and my younger son is a Dodgers fan. It’s been late nights of nerve racking baseball watching at our house!  I would love to see the Tigers and Dodgers in the World Series.  The Dodgers will continue to head in that direction after last nights win. Let’s hope the Tigers can stay alive tonight and continue in that direction too!

My love for baseball started when I was in grade school. My best friend and her family were huge Dodger fans and we spent many weekends traveling to LA to watch the Dodgers play. When my two boys started to like baseball the flame reignited for me and watching baseball with my boys reminds me of my childhood….some good times were spent watching baseball in my younger years!

You are probably wondering where this post is heading.  In July we went to Toronto to watch the Dodgers play the Blue Jays.  All around Blue Jay’s stadium were beautiful annual plantings and I want to share the pictures with you.  Nothing in the shape of a baseball, but still some beautiful plantings!

Every light post had a flower arrangement.

Even in construction zones they had nice combinations
The bridges were lined with flowers

Love both of these combos!

The Tiger game starts at 5pm so I better go for now!  Go Tigers! and Dodgers 🙂